Sunday, December 16, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I'm one step on the road!
I am also in contact with an acquaintance from college who works in graphics. He is starting to brainstorm with me and work on a logo design for Urban Arts.
This is such a long road to walk on, but I am so excited to finally see the pavement!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Summer Plans in Detroit
This Friday I meet with a lawyer about all of the legalities and paperwork to get a non-profit going. It's necessary, but not something I'm looking forward to. He has agreed to meet with us at no cost as well. What an answer to prayer!
I will be spending the weekend in a prayer and planning retreat with my friend, Renee as we look ahead at the summer and beyond. Lot's to do!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Denver-days 2,3,4
SIDE NOTE: I actually looked online for a while before we came out here to try and find one we could borrow or rent and came up with nothing! Several contact didn't come through, so we decided we would go without.
Obviously, we needed one. Especially when we began to tape outside. Half of the the day was gone, but my dad and I got on our phones and began calling through the yellow pages. My dad was referred to a company in Denver that rents the type of equipment we needed. When we got to the warehouse, I realized that is was a very reputable business. They had serviced people in the movie and television industry. And here we come, little peons, asking to rent a boom mic and the instructions. As we were filling out paperwork, we realized we may have a problem. Our flight out of Colorado is on Sunday. They aren't open on Saturday and Sunday. It was Thursday afternoon that we were getting the equipment. The owner, Dean, said, "That's ok, I'll give you my cell and home number and you can call me and I'll meet you somewhere on Sunday." Plus, we also found out that the other guy who was helping us is a Christian.
God sure does work in neat ways, just when we need them!
We then went back to the church and taped outside and inside with the new mic.
Today, we drove to the hotel where another part of the documentary was to be filmed. We walked into the lobby and began filming. There were a lot of business conferences going on, but everyone was very pleasant. As soon as my mom finished her last take, we heard a lady shout, "Hallelujah!" from a nearby room. My mom, dad and I all looked at one another with wide eyes. This lady had been listening to my mom through her different takes and said that she was just so filled up with the Lord! I'm just amazed at how God uses different situations and people to encourage one another!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Denver-Day 1
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Make Up Counter Meeting
Thursday, October 18, 2007
I'm so thankful for a great friend who is letting me use her REALLY nice Sony minidv camera for all of this filming. It's been such a huge blessing! We actually have several more interviews set up over the next few weeks that will continue to give us content for our podcast. I have some editing to do, but I'm looking forward to that. I love the "production" side of ministry.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Silly momemts on a mission trip.
Well, you see me at my finest moments. That is, if you go on a mission trip with me:) This was our last day in Ireland. I'd been there a total of a month with a few weeks in between back in the States. It was quite a trip!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
One Year Older
Well, things have been pretty busy over the past couple of weeks. I spent the last week in Ohio and Indiana. Not at the same time of course. I was in Colerain, Ohio at Real Life church
where they hosted a banquet to raise money for the brick machine for Widow's Might Ministries. I don't know if I've mentioned the brick machine yet. It is a cool invention that uses dirt, cement and water to create interlocking bricks to create a building without the use of mortar. The company is based in South Africa, so it's on the same continent that we need it to be on. Therefore, shipping will be less expensive! The goal is to purchase this machine to build the Widow's Center. It can put out 1600 bricks a day, I believe. The cost is $20,000. We are now on our way to having almost 10% of the cost. So anyway, after the banquet on Friday night, I filmed my mom and the pastor's wife, Joyce. They both went to Belarus together a few years ago to work with widows. Hopefully that will be some footage I can use to put together the next DVD for Widow's Might. On Sunday, the Widow's Might DVD was shown in church, my mom presented the ministry and I played my violin. It was a good day.
After Ohio, my mom and I drove to Anderson, Indiana. We met with Ruth Shinness. She is a lady who wrote a prayer book called Prayer Strategies. We took two days to film her teaching on different topics regarding prayer. Our intent is to use it for a podcast.
It was sure a full week! But worthwhile for the Kingdom:)
Monday, October 01, 2007
Then from Nicaragua, my parents and I break off from that team and fly to Thailand via Los Angeles. We are the speakers for a missionary school's spiritual emphasis week. It will be very different for me since I've never experienced the East.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Live a Life Worthy of the Calling
I ask myself the question on numerous occasions, How to we 'recruit' missionaries? or How do I get people on board? How can we create passion for Christ and spreading the message? I think that if we look at the lives of Paul and Barnabas we find our answer. Paul was a 'developer of people'. He took Barnabas and helped rekindle, refine, and refocus him to be a better missionary.
In Turn:
1. Barnabas listened to Paul's story to become a better missionary. I need to listen to this generation's story to gain perspective.
2. Barnabas looked beyond Paul's past to see the future. I need to look beyond, not ignore, but to see the potential of individuals.
3. Barnabas linked with Paul to serve with others. Just look at them in Antioch. I need to look for individuals who have a passion for the ministry that I serve in. Link with them. Train them up. Learn from them.
Live a life worthy of the calling. Rekindle. Refine. Refocus. On Jesus.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Building a South African Playground
After we had just cleared the ground of trash, rocks and other unnecessary things, we measured out the playground area. After we had done that, we started digging holes for the posts. Once the holes were dug, we began getting the supplies together to make the playground pieces.
This clip is an example of how we had to drill ever hole to attach our pipes and other pieces of wood together.
In this clip we are trying to get the metal poles to stay in the holes we have drilled for the monkey bars. It's not as easy as 1,2,3.
The next clip is after we got the monkey bars up. I am sawing off the metal pieces to make it safe for the kids. Rachael is taking a piece of lumbar to get drilled.
We had to mix our own concrete to fill the holes. The clip below shows a few township boys who showed up to help us work. This is a great thing! Typically the teenage township boys are into so much trouble or are very lazy. These two boys decided to help us and it made a big difference in the community, as they acted as examples to the other kids.
Our completed swing looked like this-(we actually used tires for the seats):
Here are the famous monkey bars:
We also built the balance beam and the fence, put a brick walk way in, and built a roof on a store.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Local Newspaper recognizes Widow's Might Ministries
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Garden Walk Fundraiser
The effort of many men and women over the past few months has paid off! The "Bring a Friend Garden Walk" Fundraiser for Widow's Might Ministries, Int'l. was held on Wednesday, August 15th. Over 300 people came through the garden and listened to the presentation of the ministry. I was in charge of getting the promo packets together, creating the posters, making sure the video/tech stuff was set up and worked, and then of course playing the violin for a bit. We raised about $5000 to put toward the W3 Project. The goal of the W3 Project is to raise enough money for the Watertower, Well, and Wall for the Nigerian Skills Acquisition Center for widows and their children. This was our third fundraiser this year and we now have enough money to fund the W3 Project! Praise God. Here are some pictures from the event.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Get your hands dirty!
Their vision is to produce a childrens musical production at the end of a week. Of course, it would be in Spanish and there would have to be translators and a lot of work, but wow! what a vision! As I sat in their living room discussing the logistics and details of what would need to happen to make this work, the thought kept fleeting through my head, 'wow, isn't it amazing that because of one mission trip, this couple is now on fire for God in a totally different way!' I love it!
You can't really get it through people's heads how missions work affects individuals until they experience it on their own. I know that some are called to go, some are called to pray and some are called to support. But consider stepping out on a limb one day, getting out of your comfort zone and getting your hands dirty for Jesus. Just look what one week in January to Nicaragua did to this couple.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
Office Rat
And yes, that is a typical day at the office:0
Thursday, August 09, 2007
...and back again!
This time I was there for 2 weeks. I was able to spend the first week with 2 other servants who helped finish painting Fran's house.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
My heart's in Ireland
June 20-30, 2007
Athenry and Galway, Ireland
After leading a group of extrodinary teenage and college aged students overseas for a mission trip to Ireland, I am completely amazed, once again, how the Lord brings his people together to work on various projects. We went over to paint a house, work on a garden(yard), run a kid's camp and serve in the church. That could have been done anywhere. We really didn't need to get on a plane and fly over 3000 miles to do that. BUT, in the scheme of things, God's Kingdom is in need of being advanced. Where we do that doesn't matter. God called our team to Ireland and he used us there. Once again, my eyes were opened to a straight-forward Christianity. Love Jesus, love others, serve sacrificially, live unconditionally. That theme is the life blood for the Irish church. Why don't I see it here? God, open our eyes. Maybe I should move to Ireland?:)....i'm actually somewhat serious.....
Here are some of our ministry pictures...
Sunday, May 27, 2007
South Africa 2004
My friend, another leader on the trip, created the video. I hope you are educated and your eyes are opened to the need of Jesus in South Africa.
Black Man: White Man-A Tale of Two Friends
read more | digg story
Friday, May 25, 2007
Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Go On a Short Term Mission Trip!(READ CAREFULLY)
7. It will distort your perception of the world! Seeing it through the plastic lenses of our society is sufficient. They may be distorted, but you are used to them! Do needlessly mess yourself up.
6. You could get sick or robbed! It's dangerous out there! Some places have a crime rate almost as high as our inner cities.
5. It will make you harder to live with! The way you view life and even your likes and dislikes are liable to change. Your friends and family probably won't understand or appreciate your sudden changes.
4. Afterwards you will feel awkward at some of the jokes and comments you currently enjoy. They will not seem as funny when you have seen life from the other side.
3. You will experience sadness you haven't felt before. After you see real suffering, you won't pay much attention to your complaining about how hard you've got it. You are even liable to feel guilty and uncomfortable about the nice things in your house and the food on your table. Stay home and stay comfortable!
2. You might lead someone to the Lord. I know that is a laudable goal, but it tends to cause excitement and further interest in Christian Service.
1. You could feel a pull towards going overseas again-for the adventure, of course. The problem is that you could slowly, subtly get sucked into thinking about being a missionary!
Hopefully you got the drift.:) Get out of your bubble, take a risk and do something to share the gospel!
The facetious information came from David Armstrong who served as a missionary and short term mission coordinator at OC International and is now the Director of Agency Services at Mission Data International.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
National Day of Prayer
START Ministries has developed a Prayer Resource Booklet that helps guide you through a full day of prayer. If you are interested in downloading this book, it is free. Just go to and you will find it on the home page.
Let me know what you think of the book and how God used you on this day.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Gettin' it done!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Siberia, February 16-25, 2007

My first trip to Tyumen, Siberia was quite an adventure! The purpose of this trip was to lead worship at our host church, train and encourage Siberian pastors, and host conferences for widows. I was also planning on filming the trip to use for upcoming videos. Our team was made up of 7 people. My parents, a drummer, a worship leader/guitarist, 2 vocalists/pianists, and a violinist(me!).
We flew out of Detroit on Friday, Feb. 16. Our flight was delayed 2 hours so we missed our connecting flight in New York. We had a pretty rough time getting our tickets reissued, but 2 hours later we were given tickets for the next night to Moscow. We arrived a day late in Moscow. We went to pick up the luggage and only 4 of our 10 bags had arrived. Four gift bags for widows, my personal suitcase and one other personal suitcase were lost. I stood in line for 2 hours to report the problem. Our team then took a bus through Moscow to the domestic airport. We had several hours to pass before our evening flight left. We sat at a little cafe and shared with one another.
We arrived in Tyumen, Siberia at 1:30 am and were greeted by several of the pastors from the Christian church. They drove us about 30 minutes into the city and we moved in to our hotel. The hotel rooms were narrow, single rooms with a small European bathroom. Very clean, but very cold!
On Monday we drove to the church to set up for a 10am worship service. The service lasted about 2 hours. It was great! We played several praise and worship songs, shared testimonies and my dad preached. The rest of the week we held the 10am services. As the week passed, the numbers grew. By the end of the week, we even had a Russian bass player!
The services took up our mornings, but we had the late afternoons and evening to do ministry as well. Following the morning service we ate a homemade lunch at the church. The lunches consisted of rice and chicken, homemade noodle soup, beet soup, perogies, fruit and chi(hot tea). We did not want for food! My dad and the two men on the team would stay and minister to a small group of pastors through teaching, prayer and answering questions. My mom, the two other ladies and I would prepare for the widows conferences.
We had 7 widows conferences in that week. A few of them were out in the villages. A typical widows conference includes teaching, a meal, prayer, giving gifts and some music. I was able to play my violin at most of the meetings. It was so sweet because as soon as I finished playing my first song, Amazing Grace, the ladies would start requesting hymns and then start singing as I played. One group of ladies even took out their Russian hymnals to follow along. One particular evening we were holding a conference at the Baptist church and our translator was running late. Well, none of the ladies spoke English so we were trying to communicate with our hands and smiles. I decided to get out my violin and play for them. That is when they took out the hymnals and began to sing. I love how God made music a universal language! At the end of the worship time, one of the younger widows raised her hand and asked to speak. (Our translator had arrived) She said that recently she had been dealing with doubt and insecurity, but when she heard the music she felt the Lord comforting her. That was such a blessing to me!
Day 7 arrived and I still did not have my luggage. The communication between the Moscow airport and ourselves was not very clear, but God answered our prayers and that night I got my bag. Unfortunately, no other bags arrived. We were still missing 5 bags! The excuse that customs gave to us was that we had "tools for measuring and drilling oil and gasoline". Now, that's a joke! Fortunately, we were able to pick up our bags in Moscow on the way home.
Even though I did not have my bag for seven days, the Lord extended the battery life on my video camera so that I was able to capture some great footage. That was another answer to prayer!
The trip was another reminder to me that I have Christian brothers and sisters all over the world. We believe the same things and in the same Lord! We worship together and don't let the language barrier stand between us. Praise the Lord! I can't wait to go back!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Nicaragua, January 13-20, 2007
5 team members flew out of Detroit and we were meeting up with the other 4 in Houston. Once the team was complete, I felt like we gelled very quickly!
The plan was to fly into Managua, Nicaragua, spend the night and leave early the next morning to catch an "in-country" flight to Bluefields. Our ministry was to take place in Bluefields.
If you are not familiar with Nicaragua, it is compareable to the size of New York with about 5 million+ people living in the country. Managua is on the west coast and Bluefields is on the east coast. Bluefields is known as a "black water city". The city received it's nickname due to the allowance of outhouses and bathrooms being placed directly over the water. You can only imagine the pollution and smell. As I sat on the balcony porch of our motel the first night and looked out at the water it made me so sad. What could have been an absolutely breathtaking view of the ocean was the view of a disgusting, murky, brown ocean. As I continued to reflect on this, the thought occured to me that this is how our hearts are before we know Jesus. Even if we are incapeable of changing the water in the city, we are not incapeable of sharing the love of Christ. Each murky heart can be cleansed with the blood of Christ. That gave me hope for the week!
The plan of action was kid's camp. We had three days of supplies and lessons prepared. We held two camps a day in two different locations. The morning camp was held at Verbo Church and the afternoon camp was held at Verbo school. The school was next to the dump so the kids were more underpriveleged who came. The camp consisted of singing songs in Spanish, acting out a Bible story, teaching a Bible verse, making a craft, eating a snack and playing games. The first day we had a total of about 100 kids. That was really good, but we were praying that God would double our numbers. So don't be surprised when I tell you that on Tuesday we had 200 kids! And then of course our prayers continued to be answered when on Wednesday we had over 400 kids!
On Thursday we purchased food for 15 families who lived in the dump. There is a young lady in the Verbo church who is ministering to these families on a consistent basis. Our team wanted to support her ministry and be an encouragement to her. We provided flour, salt, sugar, beans, rice, milk, 2 boxes of matches and oatmeal for each family. When the women of the families came to receive the food one of our team members presented the gospel to them.
Several of the children who were listening to the gospel message gave their lives to Christ that day! Praise the Lord!
I found out later that day that our team was the first group to support this young girls ministry. When I spoke with her after the food was distributed and she was given extra supplies for the upcoming weeks, she was in tears. She couldn't believe that someone would care so much about such a small ministry. I told her that no ministry is small in God's eyes. I continue to pray that God will supply her needs as well as the needs of her new ministry.
Urbana Missions Conference
The widow's ministry was also blessed! We had several ladies who were very interested in learning more about how they can get involved in the ministry.
We had several serious invitations to come work with other ministries. One was to India and the other to Nepal! I love how God networks people!
I do have to share a little about my "booth neighbors". You can see a bit of their booth called, Synergy, in the picture above. The ministry is based in New Jersey and let me just say, I love them!! They are computer geniuses and business professionals who volunteer their time for organizations like ours as well as to third world countries to help enhance and advance technology.
As a result of Urbana, new ministry friends were made, potential short term trips were formed and we at the START booth were blessed by the teaching seminars and encouraged by the others who share our similar vision. I am so glad God provided the way for me to go!