Monday, September 17, 2007

Live a Life Worthy of the Calling

I have been studying the relationship of Paul and Barnabas lately. What an intriguing friendship. I've also had the opportunity to listen to a few speakers and pastors in the past few months speak on these men in the Bible. These men are examples to me of what it means to live a missional lifestyle.

I ask myself the question on numerous occasions, How to we 'recruit' missionaries? or How do I get people on board? How can we create passion for Christ and spreading the message? I think that if we look at the lives of Paul and Barnabas we find our answer. Paul was a 'developer of people'. He took Barnabas and helped rekindle, refine, and refocus him to be a better missionary.
In Turn:
1. Barnabas listened to Paul's story to become a better missionary. I need to listen to this generation's story to gain perspective.
2. Barnabas looked beyond Paul's past to see the future. I need to look beyond, not ignore, but to see the potential of individuals.
3. Barnabas linked with Paul to serve with others. Just look at them in Antioch. I need to look for individuals who have a passion for the ministry that I serve in. Link with them. Train them up. Learn from them.
Live a life worthy of the calling. Rekindle. Refine. Refocus. On Jesus.

1 comment:

Star*Spangled*Eyes said...

Very cool perspective