June 20-30, 2007
Athenry and Galway, Ireland
After leading a group of extrodinary teenage and college aged students overseas for a mission trip to Ireland, I am completely amazed, once again, how the Lord brings his people together to work on various projects. We went over to paint a house, work on a garden(yard), run a kid's camp and serve in the church. That could have been done anywhere. We really didn't need to get on a plane and fly over 3000 miles to do that. BUT, in the scheme of things, God's Kingdom is in need of being advanced. Where we do that doesn't matter. God called our team to Ireland and he used us there. Once again, my eyes were opened to a straight-forward Christianity. Love Jesus, love others, serve sacrificially, live unconditionally. That theme is the life blood for the Irish church. Why don't I see it here? God, open our eyes. Maybe I should move to Ireland?:)....i'm actually somewhat serious.....
Here are some of our ministry pictures...
1 comment:
Hi KB, Love the blogology! Miss you like mad! Just missed you online. Keep up the good work and come back soon! Fiona
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