Monday, August 27, 2007

Get your hands dirty!

I had a pretty neat dinner meeting a few nights ago with a couple who went on their first mission trip ever last January. I led a group to Nicaragua with START Ministries. I haven't done a great job of staying in touch with them over the past few months, but out of the blue, I got an email from them saying that they felt God was calling them back to Nicaragua this upcoming January to serve. They wanted to get together to gather information, advice and insight on how to go about everything.

Their vision is to produce a childrens musical production at the end of a week. Of course, it would be in Spanish and there would have to be translators and a lot of work, but wow! what a vision! As I sat in their living room discussing the logistics and details of what would need to happen to make this work, the thought kept fleeting through my head, 'wow, isn't it amazing that because of one mission trip, this couple is now on fire for God in a totally different way!' I love it!

You can't really get it through people's heads how missions work affects individuals until they experience it on their own. I know that some are called to go, some are called to pray and some are called to support. But consider stepping out on a limb one day, getting out of your comfort zone and getting your hands dirty for Jesus. Just look what one week in January to Nicaragua did to this couple.

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