Saturday, October 20, 2007

Make Up Counter Meeting

My mom and I went to Nordstrom's today for me to exchange some make up. You know how they always have people standing in the aisles wanting to do your face? Well, I typically try to avoid eye contact so as to avoid being swayed into a makeup chair. On our way out, it didn't work. I made eye contact. I smiled. I said "sure". I sat in a chair. I felt make up going on my face. Now, after all of that, I am a girl and do love new stuff:) Sooo, it wasn't as bad as i'm making it sound. But here is the point of my story. No, I didn't by anything. BUT, as I was talking with the 20-something, make up girl, she asked what I did. I went on to explain my purpose and passion in life. Including the vision of the inner city arts program I am starting. She just lit up like a Christmas tree. She is an industrial designer and loves to create sets, work with kids, and grew up in Detroit. What a 'God meeting'. So, I have a phone number and interested future volunteer for our camps this summer!

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