Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Spiritual Emphasis Week, SEW, is going well so far. We are in day 2 of 5. Yesterday my dad spoke in high school chapel introducing the theme for the week. Then in the evening we had about 100 teens and adults come out for a continuation of the teaching. Our theme is Making it Count. So last night was Making it Count: Forgiveness. My dad did the majority of the teaching and I facilitated the small group discussion time as well as giving an illustration and closing out the night.

This morning I spoke to the high school for an hour on "The Performance Trap"-not letting our significance be based on our success in life. I know that some of them really understood it and it made an impact, but I hope that those who sit there without any expression will be broken and come into a greater relationship with the Lord. Tonight we are talking about Perseverance. I'm doing a skit with some of the kids and am excited to see how it turns out. (If you remember about the broken glass door, hopefully we won't have any accidents this time:)!

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