Thursday, February 05, 2009

Summer in February

Here's a quick update on what Urban Arts is looking like for this summer. We are again, partnering with City Mission and Central Detroit Christian for 2 weeks each. Both organizations will be able to offer a week of elementary day camp as well as a week of middle and high school day camp. An additional week is pending with a ministry in Highland Park, MI. (just on the outskirts of Detroit)

It's crazy to look out my window at piles of snow and ice cycles as far as you can possibly see, but it takes so much preparation to get commitments from volunteers, line up people to help prep for the crafts, create a program, and find the funding among many other things! I'm really excited about the 2009 camps! I have the theme, but I'm going to keep that a secret for a little while longer:) You'll just have to check back!

Keep us in your prayers! Grant proposals are being mailed over the next few months!

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