Monday, September 21, 2009
Massive Growth
With 19 team members headed to Ireland this year, I thought we had lost it! It was our largest team and we usually only have between 20-30 kids at each camp. Well, who am I to question God. At both camp locations, Athenry and Westside, we started the first day with about 20 kids and it grew each day! By the end of the second week we were serving almost 70 kids! We ABSOLUTELY needed every single person on the team! God sure does have a sense of humor.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Open House at Biggby Coffee
Biggby Coffee held an open house for the Urban Art students last week. Their pictures were displayed for a week where customers could vote for their favorite. The shop also donated $1.00 per drink over a 4 hour window. At the end of the week, the Urban Art students from City Mission were honored at an open house in the store. They were given a free drink and presented with awards. We had a great time and give a huge shout of thanks to Biggby!!
art show,
Biggby Coffee,
city mission,
Urban Arts
Sunday, May 17, 2009
CMA Art Exhibit for Parents
Monday, May 11, 2009
Biggby Coffe and an Art Show
I am so excited for next week. Biggby Coffee is hosting an art show for my Urban Art kids! A manager for Biggby over heard my mom talking about Urban Arts in his store one day and approached her with a fund raising idea. I gave him a call not too long ago and it's now a reality!
From May 18-24, Biggby Coffee in Southfield, MI (the one on Evergreen Rd.) will be showing my City Mission Urban Art students work. The kids have been working on projects since January and have five fabulous pieces each to show. Now here's the even cooler part:) On Thursday, May 21 from 5-7pm and Sunday, May 24 from 1-3pm, Biggby is donating $1.00 for every drink sold. I will be behind the counter helping out (probably as the whip cream girl) and promoting our program. The kids will come in on Sunday afternoon and see their art, be awarded by Biggby and given free drinks!
I'm so grateful that the Lord continues to show me creative ways to expand and promote Urban Arts!
If you're local come on by during those four hours and support the cause!
From May 18-24, Biggby Coffee in Southfield, MI (the one on Evergreen Rd.) will be showing my City Mission Urban Art students work. The kids have been working on projects since January and have five fabulous pieces each to show. Now here's the even cooler part:) On Thursday, May 21 from 5-7pm and Sunday, May 24 from 1-3pm, Biggby is donating $1.00 for every drink sold. I will be behind the counter helping out (probably as the whip cream girl) and promoting our program. The kids will come in on Sunday afternoon and see their art, be awarded by Biggby and given free drinks!
I'm so grateful that the Lord continues to show me creative ways to expand and promote Urban Arts!
If you're local come on by during those four hours and support the cause!
Monday, May 04, 2009
2009 Summer Camp Support Letter
Dear Friend,
Last summer Urban Arts held three weeks of camp in Detroit for inner city kids. We worked with over 120 children and had wonderful camps! It went so well that our partnering ministries have invited us back, and we have added a new partner! Five weeks of camp are planned for the upcoming summer with City Mission, Central Detroit Christian and Highland Park Community Outreach.
Our goal is to expand the children’s exposure to the performing and visual arts through daily hands-on activities and Christ-centered teaching. This year’s theme is “Celebrate the Gift”. Children will experience the elements of visual art, music, drama and dance. Daily lunch and a snack will be provided. Each camp will end on Friday evening with a dinner and closing performance for friends and family.
This is a faith based ministry. Currently, we have very little funding. So, we are asking individuals, groups, and churches to prayerfully consider sponsoring one or more children for a week of camp. The total cost for a child to attend is $80.00. This amount covers all meals, art supplies, a camp t-shirt, and transportation. Checks may be made out to START Ministries, a Michigan 501-C3 non-profit organization. START (Short Term Ambassador Relief Teams) is graciously handling our funding for this summer with no administrative fee. Therefore, 100% of the money donated to Urban Arts will go toward these summer camps.
Also, enclosed is a list of supplies needed for the camps this summer. We are striving to complete this list from volunteered gift cards or contributions from friends and family. Please consider helping us in this area of need.
If you have any questions, feel free to call or email me.
Serving Him,
Katie Beth Hostetter
Urban Arts Director
“The children at City Mission have so much talent and potential. The Urban Arts program helps children identify and put into practice their talent and potential. We are glad to have such an outstanding partnership.” --Nicole Aikens, Co-Director of City Mission
Sam's Club, Wal-mart, Meijers, Costco, Speedway, BP, Mobile)
sandwich makings
snacks (goldfish, fruit snacks, ect.)
juice boxes (100)
Mini-DV taps for video camera (30)
colored gaffer tape
100 brown paper lunch sacks
zip lock sandwich bags
3 CD players
300 CD-R disks
gift card for gas stations (Speedway, Meijers, BP, etc)
Last summer Urban Arts held three weeks of camp in Detroit for inner city kids. We worked with over 120 children and had wonderful camps! It went so well that our partnering ministries have invited us back, and we have added a new partner! Five weeks of camp are planned for the upcoming summer with City Mission, Central Detroit Christian and Highland Park Community Outreach.
Our goal is to expand the children’s exposure to the performing and visual arts through daily hands-on activities and Christ-centered teaching. This year’s theme is “Celebrate the Gift”. Children will experience the elements of visual art, music, drama and dance. Daily lunch and a snack will be provided. Each camp will end on Friday evening with a dinner and closing performance for friends and family.
This is a faith based ministry. Currently, we have very little funding. So, we are asking individuals, groups, and churches to prayerfully consider sponsoring one or more children for a week of camp. The total cost for a child to attend is $80.00. This amount covers all meals, art supplies, a camp t-shirt, and transportation. Checks may be made out to START Ministries, a Michigan 501-C3 non-profit organization. START (Short Term Ambassador Relief Teams) is graciously handling our funding for this summer with no administrative fee. Therefore, 100% of the money donated to Urban Arts will go toward these summer camps.
Also, enclosed is a list of supplies needed for the camps this summer. We are striving to complete this list from volunteered gift cards or contributions from friends and family. Please consider helping us in this area of need.
If you have any questions, feel free to call or email me.
Serving Him,
Katie Beth Hostetter
Urban Arts Director
“The children at City Mission have so much talent and potential. The Urban Arts program helps children identify and put into practice their talent and potential. We are glad to have such an outstanding partnership.” --Nicole Aikens, Co-Director of City Mission
Sam's Club, Wal-mart, Meijers, Costco, Speedway, BP, Mobile)
sandwich makings
snacks (goldfish, fruit snacks, ect.)
juice boxes (100)
Mini-DV taps for video camera (30)
colored gaffer tape
100 brown paper lunch sacks
zip lock sandwich bags
3 CD players
300 CD-R disks
gift card for gas stations (Speedway, Meijers, BP, etc)
Central Detroit Christian,
city mission,
summer camps,
Urban Arts
Thursday, April 30, 2009
How I laugh
As we were finishing up our latest art project, Angel, one of my students, needed to fix her painting. She had done a wash with three colors and didn't like the way it turned out so she came back up for more paint. As she was moving the brush across some blue paint landed on the butterfly she had drawn. One of my workers who was helping Angel said, "Oh he's ok!" and Angel turned to him with her big, serious, brown eyes and said, "That ain't a he it's a she! And now she's blue! That ain't right!" Oh how serious she was. It took all my strength to simply smile and not laugh out loud at her cuteness as I overheard the conversation.
after school,
city mission,
Urban Arts
Monday, April 27, 2009
U Serious? PINK chocolate?
Easter has come and gone and I have been a terrible blogger since then. My apologies. Urban Arts has kept me busy busy busy! But here is a cute story from one of the boys we work with.
For our Thursday night class the week before Easter, instead of holding the drama and art classes we normally have, we decided to bring all 35 kids together and teach them how to make molded Easter chocolates. We had everything set out on long tables and two ladies were in charge of melting the chocolate down. I thought it would be neat to have different colors of, yellow, blue, purple, pink..all pastels for Easter. As the kids came up with their mentors, one boy, Larry, said ' What that?' as he pointed to the colored chocolate. I said, 'What the chocolate?' He said, 'yea'. I said 'It's chocolate but a different color so you can have Easter colors for your mold.' He said 'I don't eat no pink chocolate'. I laughed as he went for the milk chocolate and made his little Easter bunnies and crosses.
This was the very first time for all of the kids to make chocolates. They had a great time and it was nice to be able to be in a relaxed environment with them!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
And the Angels are Singing
St. Patrick's day is now a day I will never forget. Not because of the brilliant greens or the crazy hats people wear, but because it's the day that Taugh asked Jesus into his heart.
The kids sat down at their tables that were prepared for the third art project of Urban Arts Class. Since it was St. Patty's day we brought green bug juice and chips. and as the kids snacked my mom began to tell the true story of Saint Patrick. The kids were listening intently. Now if you know my mom, you know that she is able to weave the salvation message of Christ into almost any story. This story was no different. As she neared the end, she asked if anyone had never asked Jesus into their heart. Taugh raised his hand. He came up in front of the class and prayed to receive Jesus as his Savior. It was a beautiful moment.
The kids sat down at their tables that were prepared for the third art project of Urban Arts Class. Since it was St. Patty's day we brought green bug juice and chips. and as the kids snacked my mom began to tell the true story of Saint Patrick. The kids were listening intently. Now if you know my mom, you know that she is able to weave the salvation message of Christ into almost any story. This story was no different. As she neared the end, she asked if anyone had never asked Jesus into their heart. Taugh raised his hand. He came up in front of the class and prayed to receive Jesus as his Savior. It was a beautiful moment.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Crazy For Christ
The theme for the Urban Art kids at CDC this semester is "Crazy 4 Christ". We are talking about how we can show others every day, in every action, how crazy for Christ we are. The previous week we encouraged the kids to bring something in that they enjoy doing and share how they can be "crazy for Christ" while doing it. We had one girl come up before class who shyly showed us her musical recorder. She asked if she could share a song on the recorder. As simple as it sounds, Tyana wanted to use what she learned on her little plastic recorder and play for God. She is 1 in 50+ kids. If she is the only one who "gets it" this semester, it will be totally worth everything I do.
Central Detroit Christian,
Urban Arts
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Even boys like valentines:)
Red soda with ice cream, pepperoni and cheese pizza, heart balloons, cute napkins and a really cool valentine card was what made up the party that we threw for City Mission urban art kids on Tuesday. It was a lot of fun! We didn't tell the kids in advance, but surprised them with all of this and they were just grinning from ear to ear. Of course, we had art to work on, but after all that sugar it was pretty interesting to get see them try to stay focused on the project at hand. (that's why the typical snack is HEALTHY!) But they did pretty well working on their "dot art". It's really coming along! I can't wait for the final project. After we had cleaned up, I handed out my valentine cards to the kids. The boys got really cool cards that turned into a b-ball court and b-ball. Guess who ended up putting them together:) Yep! I helped them out and we had a fun game of basketball!
city mission,
Urban Arts,
valentines day
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Summer in February
Here's a quick update on what Urban Arts is looking like for this summer. We are again, partnering with City Mission and Central Detroit Christian for 2 weeks each. Both organizations will be able to offer a week of elementary day camp as well as a week of middle and high school day camp. An additional week is pending with a ministry in Highland Park, MI. (just on the outskirts of Detroit)
It's crazy to look out my window at piles of snow and ice cycles as far as you can possibly see, but it takes so much preparation to get commitments from volunteers, line up people to help prep for the crafts, create a program, and find the funding among many other things! I'm really excited about the 2009 camps! I have the theme, but I'm going to keep that a secret for a little while longer:) You'll just have to check back!
Keep us in your prayers! Grant proposals are being mailed over the next few months!
It's crazy to look out my window at piles of snow and ice cycles as far as you can possibly see, but it takes so much preparation to get commitments from volunteers, line up people to help prep for the crafts, create a program, and find the funding among many other things! I'm really excited about the 2009 camps! I have the theme, but I'm going to keep that a secret for a little while longer:) You'll just have to check back!
Keep us in your prayers! Grant proposals are being mailed over the next few months!
Central Detroit Christian,
city mission,
summer camps,
Urban Arts
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Early Art Forms Emerge Again
Two Urban Art tracks are offered to the 6-12 graders at City Mission this semester. One track is visual arts and the other is drama. Did you know that the art form of block printing started in 200 AD! Well, we are taking it to the next level here in 2009! Students are going to design and create their own stationary with original block printing. I'm thrilled to have my mom teaching this art form! In the drama track we are going to explore something that was created a little closer to the present 1845...well, it's better than 200! We are digging into monologues. Dramatic and comedic. I'm looking forward to teaching my group how to explore their character and engage the audience!
city mission,
Urban Arts,
visual arts
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Second Semester in Full Swing
Urban Arts is back from Christmas break! I have the same group of kids at City Mission but this semester we are focusing on visual arts! They are learning so many cool things. The theme for Central Detroit Christian Urban Arts this semester is "Crazy for Christ". We will be focusing on drama, music and dance with the kids. They are going to help write an original drama script for the performance in May! Enjoy the pictures of the City Mission kids working on their art projects.

Central Detroit Christian,
city mission,
visual arts
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